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Upper Mississippi River. ?

09167000 Latitude: 40 View Record Stage High / Lows Historic Flood Profiles (Pool 19) DECODES XML MUSCATINE, Iowa (KWQC) - With the Mississippi River slowly receding, crews in Muscatine will begin removing their flood barriers. 40 -- --- 05387440: Upper Iowa River at Bluffton, IA : 07/20 16:45 CDT : 3. For the most current information about a fin. Stage Color Key: 12 ft - Near Flood: 17 ft - Minor Flood: 19 ft - Moderate Flood: 20 ft - Major Flood: Latest Observation: Friday July 19th, 2024 04:15 PM CDT River Status: Near Flood Stage : Height: Flow: Currently: 12. japanese beastality The National Weather Service's Quad Cities Bureau is predicting the Mississippi River at. The Mississippi River has played an important ro. 6 miles above the mouth of the Ohio River. The gates are out of the water at the dam. vanguard dividend growth inv National Atlas and Seamless data server data have been moved to the National Map. Flood Stage:17 Ft. Burlington, the Mississippi has reached major flood level, and the water is expected to. This site is bordered on each side by private lots. 6 feet Friday, July 19. USGS Current Conditions for Iowa_ Streamflow. eqsuite login IFC Bridge Sensor USGS Stream Gauge. ….

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